Write your first chaincode and Fabric client with Chaincoder! You do not need any other IDE or tool, just Docker (and Java as an option for client development). It is built for Hyperledger Fabric developers as a starting point with the most important features and contains Internet links to discussions and official documentation sites. Chaincoder aims to be an interactive tool for rapid development, creation and deployment of applications on Hyperledger Fabric. With this tool you can freely use Hyperledger Fabric locally or with your own cloud setup without the need to pay fees to third parties.
It helps you with the correct installation as it automatically performs the downloads of docker images and fabric binaries and checks installation requirements like docker. Chaincoder currently supports a Java SDK client and the CLI which can be used to interact with a private blockchain in Hyperledger Fabric. Chaincode itself can be written in Go, Node.js or Java. It uses the "dev mode" for faster Go chaincode (smart contract) compilation.
Additionally, Chaincoder lets you define any network setup required. It comes with several examples, one with a unusual network setup, having 3 organisations, which are connected to each other as pairs on 2 channels like a triangle. SOLO is used as orderer and an OR or AND endorsement policy is applied. Changes in configuration can be easily done. For a production release you will need a different setup with Kafka (or other) for the orderer and a different membership service provider.
Download Chaincoder V1.01 Beta as exe installation file (Windows 10 Pro or Enterprise)
Download Chaincoder V1.01 Beta as zip file (macOS)
This are the first versions of the new IDE for Hyperledger Fabric development. I wanted to make a network with chaincode ready to use with the SDK so that you can get a basic idea of how things work in Hyperledger Fabric regarding chaincode and client development. So I spent several weeks on this. The IDE is written in Java and contains the most important artifacts of a fabric project for fast development. I tried to use default Fabric commands only such as CLI commands. It is not perfect, but I released the latest version, because I believe it might help someone to get started with Fabric.
If you like it, buy me a pizza :)
If you experience problems or have questions or comments, please write me an email to Thanks in advance for your support!
Docker 1.8
(if you want to use the Java SDK for client development, you will need to install the JDK 11)
Stackoverflow - Questions and Answers
GitHub - Source Codes, Issues, ...
Go and Node.js will follow for client development
Note: You will need Windows 10 Pro or Enterprise editor, because of the Docker installation requirements.
NEW: Multi-node blockchain network for production environment
Chaincoder, unlike many others, is able to manage multiple independent hosts running in a cloud environment or own network for each organization (peers). It is recommended to use such a setting for production purposes.
It enables you to write and deploy native without intermediate layer like Hyperledger Composer and its dependencies. Only the pure system with chaincodes, peers, orderers and channels of Hyperledger Fabric are used.
If you need a different setup than 3 organizations with 1 peer each joining the consortium network or help, just ask for help.
If you setup your nodes in a cloud like AWS it is important that several ports are accessible to the world. E. g. the security group of AWS should allow inbound TCP connections to following ports: 22, 7050, 7051, and 7053. Needless to say, make sure you are in possession of the private key used to run the cloud instances.
Note: The official AWS Blockchain Template for Hyperledger Fabric only supports a docker-local container platform at the time of writing, meaning the Hyperledger Fabric containers are deployed on a single EC2 instance only.
This is the first version of the new IDE for Hyperledger Fabric development. I wanted to make a network with chaincode ready to use with the SDK so that you can get a basic idea of how things work in Hyperledger Fabric regarding chaincode and client development. So I spent several weeks on this. The IDE is written in Java and contains the most important artifacts of a fabric project for fast development. I tried to use default Fabric commands only such as CLI commands. It is not perfect, but I released this version, because I believe it might help someone to get started with Fabric.
Hyperledger Fabric Chaincode Java Editor
Hyperledger Fabric Chaincode Node.js Editor
Hyperledger Fabric Chaincode Go Editor
Multi-node blockchain network for production environment
Fetch a block
Installation helps you with the correct installation as it automatically performs the downloads of docker images and fabric binaries and checks installation requirements like docker.
Config for organisations and related peers and endorsement policy as well.
Network for local development and test environment is chosen to provide multiple Fabric peers on a single host via the Docker container infrastructure with Docker Compose.
Docker shows how many nodes are running on the local docker network.
CLI for management, monitoring and transactions by Invoke and Query
Hyperledger Fabric SDK Client Java Editor